The Education & Professional Development
Delivered by highly qualified tutors, students study towards a two year Level 3 Extended Diploma in Sports Development and Coaching qualification that is attached to one of our industry career focused pathways in either coaching & teaching or sports science . The course and attached pathways covers a wide variety of topics, developing the skills, knowledge and industry relevant experiences to prepare students for their chosen progression route and future career aspirations. This is the core qualification for both of our talented athlete scholarship programme and male and female football education programme. The equivalent of 3 A-levels, the programme provides progression routes onto higher education, U.S Scholarships, Apprenticeships and direct employment.
Professional development hours are also built into students timetables which enables them to gain work experience, transferable employability and important life skills, contacts and industry experiences that supports them in their future career journeys. This can also include additional coaching qualifications and selection on to funded international career focused tours.